Are you ready to start your own business?

Success as a start up business starts from various beginnings. Maybe Covid-19 has left you without work. Maybe you are just tired of working for someone else. Maybe you have had an idea for a great product or service and now is the time.

There is some fear that goes with starting a new business. It is tough to move out of a steady job and move into something new. You might be worried that you will fail or not even get through the first month. Don’t be discouraged! If you have passion and a solid game plan, you can get what you want out of self employment.

I just want to provide you some bullet point information that will get you thinking about being successful. Lay the right groundwork and you can succeed. The best way to start is by gathering the right people around you that can help. A growing business is never successful if just one person is doing all the work. Don’t try to do everything yourself. Ask for help.

Money is an important thing, so speak to a financial advisor.

Know what you are going to be getting into. What are your day to day expenses going to be? Do you need payroll services? Etc… Don’t go into business blind. You need to know that you might not make money right away. Recognize the expenses you are getting into. You can then use credit to get started and be ready when you do start making money. A good relationship with a bank is always a good idea too.

Vendors for your product or service.

Where are you going to get the STUFF you need to work. Find out and get to know them. Most good vendors of products or services have sales reps that will be more than willing to tell you what you need. Don’t be sweet talked into a contract or long term deal until you have all the information and more than one quote. Remember to be honest with your vendors and tell them where you are at as a small or new business. They can help. It is in their best interest to help. If you grow and become successful, they will grow and be successful too.

Get to know your Competition.

You may not have to go out and buy them a beer, but looking over websites and making some phone calls will give you a good idea of where you might need to improve or be better than your competition. If you don’t know of any competitors, then you are on a good track to provide something that is new and may be in quick demand.

Speak with business people who have been through what you are about to go through.

There are great resources out there for free consultation from experts. SCORE is one that comes to mind. There are also Angel Investment programs that could not only provide consultation but money to back your enterprise. It never hurts to ask. I am always weary of business coaches or sales consultants. If you decide to hire a coach or mentor, do your research before getting into a contractual relationship.

Reach out to printers and designers you might know.

A relationship with a good graphic designer could be the difference between looking like a start up or looking like the successful business you want. You might have a vision of what your business should look like. Be sure that vision becomes real and manifests itself in your website, business cards and brand. When you know what you want your business to look like, don’t let a designer or printer tell you how it should look. This is your business, not theirs. Ask for options that fit your vision. Ask for the reasons why something looks the way it does… Why is the logo round? Why is blue the best color? Why do we have all caps for the name? A good designer will have purpose for everything that becomes your brand.

Over the years working with start ups, I have heard one statement more than anything else: “Why didn’t I do this sooner?”.

There is a lot of excitement with starting your own business. I work hard with my clients to provide images that will showcase your new venture. You do need to have a logo… Not just a logo, but a look. A look that will show off exactly what your future looks like. Working together to develop a brand has always been a very fun process. It is amazing to help develop an image that will represent a dream, and propel that dream out even farther than you can imagine.