Fashion is a fleeting thing and so are fonts.

Picking the right type face for your logo or advertising is a tricky thing, but it is always a good idea to not over-think your font choices either.   If you have started by looking online at font sites or found a printed book of fonts, it can be quite over-whelming.  Good planning and a little research can help narrow down your initial search before you go digging into the depths of

Be sure that your message can be read. Seems like a simple thing, but if you choose a swirly display font, your name may never be seen.  Think about who your audience is and where your logo or advertising is going to be seen.  If you want your logo to be easily understood on the side of a building, choose something that is going to standout and command that structure.  If you are selling flowers and you want your sign to look nice surrounded by foliage, don’t make your font too flowery or it will get lost in the forest.  Instead, choose something that will complement the flowers.  With a few simple starting tactics before your font search begins, you can eliminate thousands of fonts from your screen.

The look, feel and readability of your font choices will help convey your message.  It is easy to sit down and look through thousands of fonts and loose focus on your mission.  Don’t let the font you choose be the message, it should be the vehicle that carries it.

Stay tuned for more about working with type.